NZICF 18 | Phil Wang

Comedian Phil Wang is a rising star in a world where laughter is the currency. In 2011, he won Comedy Central’s Funniest Student Award and has since performed at the famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Interestingly, earlier this year he took part in Comedy Central’s Roast Battle where he battled his friend Ed Gamble, a comedian I had reviewed last year, and won. After watching him last night, I can see why.

Phil Wang does not shy away from using his Asian heritage to make jokes. He even weaponised his surname to take full advantage of people’s immaturity and it worked like a charm. In his own words, “I come from a long line of stereotypes”. I get the feeling that if anyone ever said anything seriously racist to him, he would have a reply that left third degree burns.

Indeed, he is at his best when discussing being half British and half Malaysian, which gives him a unique perspective and the ability to deal with jokes about racial issues in a way that a European comedian probably couldn’t. From observations on the differences between England and Malaysia, to his love of the Commonwealth and why he voted Remain during Brexit, you’ll always get an honest and funny answer. As the world becomes more globalised, a lot more people come from mixed heritage or have lived in different countries. If you are one of those people, like myself, his comedy is really relatable.

Phil Wang’s style is smooth and conversational – he never misses a beat. In a deadpan English accent, he lulls you into thinking that you know where the topic is going and then hits you with a humorous twist. With sold out shows, clearly, his talent speaks for itself and he is certainly a crowd favourite in New Zealand.

Hilarious, memorable and fun, you’re welcome back here any time, Phil Wang.

5 Stars.

Performing as part of the New Zealand International Comedy Festival 2018.